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Process Documentation

Create consistency

Well-documented policies and procedures empower employees

Consistently implementing current procedures and adopting new technologies can be challenging for employees without proper written support. Documenting policies and procedures has many benefits. First and foremost, it empowers employees to make the right decisions. Second, when staff changes take place, the documented policies and procedures ensure a smooth transition.

Requiring students to develop written procedures documenting the steps they took and sources they used not only helps reinforce student learning, it facilitates quality control by Institute managers. Further, it enables your employees to easily replicate actions repeatedly and consistently. Providing process documentation in a digital knowledge base further enhances the benefit to future employees.

Project example


After modernizing a process, this organization needed procedural documentation because the process was not regularly completed, and they required comparability between the different iterations. 


To ensure this comparability between iterations completed at different times, students working at the Institute documented the procedure in an online format accessible on desktop computers, mobile devices, and via PDF. All of this is possible from a single source, simplifying updates and distribution.

Process Documentation Screenshot

Tell us about your process documentation needs